Virginie Duhamel (Bogotá, Colômbia, 1973), lives and works between Lisbon and Setúbal. Her home is Portugal, for 27 years now. Baccalaureate in L.E.A., University of Haute Bretagne. Master in Art History in University Lille III. Painting and drawing lectures in A.R.C.O., Lisbon, Professional Photography course in I.P.F. (Portuguese Photography Institute), Lisbon. Specialized Video & Multimedia course, Flag. Workshop about “Enqueering” and “Femininity”, Eira 33. Translation and Photography in "free-lance". Black and White laboratory and photography studio in “free-lance”. Assistant in “Galeria Pente 10 - Fotografia Contemporânea”, Creation of the gallery’s database. Photography and modelling for the magazines “ Evasões” and “Blue Living”. For the most important shows: Exhibited in the Annual Festival of Contemporary Art in Tallin, Estonia in 2001; Individual photography exhibition in SemSim shop, Bairro Alto, Lisbon in 2003; Individual photography exhibition in Bar Tejo, Alfama, Lisbon 2003; Individual photography exhibition in Pedro Remy’s Cultural Center, Braga 2004; Individual photography exhibition “Drowning by Numbers or The 19th Hole”, Eira 33 Lisbon 2006; Photography exhibition with Christophe Sauvage, “Vote-PMU!” Pavilhão 28, Lisbon 2009; Photography exhibition in Fábrica do Braço de Prata “Sombras Latentes”, Lisbon 2010; Individual exhibition "Video Quit Video" and “Hadron Collider”, Casa Bocage, Setúbal 2011, 2012; Individual photography exhibition in Mercado Negro, Aveiro, 2013; Individual exhibition “Single Use Only” photography, Video and installation in Casa Bocage, Setúbal, 2018; Show “A Viagem”, com José Budha "Videomapping" and show at Fort do Beliche, Sagres 2019; Exhibition in (A)Space Gallery, with “MUD” three short films about the Sado’s dredging and other humanist complexities Lisbon 2019; Solo Exhibition, “As Mulheres e o Zeca”, Associação José Afonso, Setúbal and Lisbon 2020
in "O Eterno Retorno"
in "O Eterno Retorno" Virginie Duhamel (Bogotá, Colômbia, 1973), lives and works between Lisbon and Setúbal. Her home is Portugal, for 27 years now. Baccalaureate in L.E.A., University of Haute Bretagne. Master in Art History in University Lille III. Painting and drawing lectures in A.R.C.O., Lisbon, Professional Photography course in I.P.F. (Portuguese Photography Institute), Lisbon. Specialized Video & Multimedia course, Flag. Workshop about “Enqueering” and “Femininity”, Eira 33. Translation and Photography in "free-lance". Black and White laboratory and photography studio in “free-lance”. Assistant in “Galeria Pente 10 - Fotografia Contemporânea”, Creation of the gallery’s database. Photography and modelling for the magazines “ Evasões” and “Blue Living”. For the most important shows: Exhibited in the Annual Festival of Contemporary Art in Tallin, Estonia in 2001; Individual photography exhibition in SemSim shop, Bairro Alto, Lisbon in 2003; Individual photography exhibition in Bar Tejo, Alfama, Lisbon 2003; Individual photography exhibition in Pedro Remy’s Cultural Center, Braga 2004; Individual photography exhibition “Drowning by Numbers or The 19th Hole”, Eira 33 Lisbon 2006; Photography exhibition with Christophe Sauvage, “Vote-PMU!” Pavilhão 28, Lisbon 2009; Photography exhibition in Fábrica do Braço de Prata “Sombras Latentes”, Lisbon 2010; Individual exhibition "Video Quit Video" and “Hadron Collider”, Casa Bocage, Setúbal 2011, 2012; Individual photography exhibition in Mercado Negro, Aveiro, 2013; Individual exhibition “Single Use Only” photography, Video and installation in Casa Bocage, Setúbal, 2018; Show “A Viagem”, com José Budha "Videomapping" and show at Fort do Beliche, Sagres 2019; Exhibition in (A)Space Gallery, with “MUD” three short films about the Sado’s dredging and other humanist complexities Lisbon 2019; Solo Exhibition, “As Mulheres e o Zeca”, Associação José Afonso, Setúbal and Lisbon 2020